What is Call Logging?

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Firstly, Telephone Call Logging is also know as Call Accounting. This is the process by which telephone call records or CDR (call data records), are output by your telephone system and are collected and added to a database.

This data then allows the User to run analytical reports and real-time screens to see how their telephone system is being used, how much the telephone bill is likely to be or perhaps any fraud issues.

With the inception of VoIP, this can now also include information about telephone hand-set configurations, including dealerboards and whether voice recording / forwarding, etc. has been set-up correctly.

Do we still need this as more people are working from home? Absolutely, you still need to be able to analyse the number of calls that are being tranferred from your building to your external workers,

How quickly do they respond?

Are they hiding behind voicemail?

Are your trunks/lines sufficient to carry this incoming call diverted externally?